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Trusting Others


Innovative Child Psychology


Developmental Stages & Milestones

Infants rapidly develop trust and attachment, learning to interpret and respond to social cues. Milestones include smiling, cooing, and showing distress. Strategies for SEL involve responsive caregiving to meet emotional needs and emotion mirroring to validate feelings.

 Early Childhood
Children master skills like cooperation, self-awareness, and managing emotions. They learn to play with others, recognize feelings, and follow rules. In classrooms, fostering these skills can be done through collaborative play to teach sharing and turn-taking and through empathy-building stories that help children understand various emotions.

Adolescents grapple with identity, self-esteem, and complex social dynamics. Milestones include developing a personal value system and building deeper relationships. SEL can be supported via peer mentoring, allowing students to guide each other, and reflective journaling, which encourages introspection and emotional expression.


The effect that prenatal development and care and early childhood experiences can have on adolescent social and emotional development.

Prenatal development and care play a critical role in shaping adolescent social and emotional development. Research has shown that exposure to stress, toxins, or malnutrition during pregnancy can have lasting effects on the child's mental health and behavior later in life. Additionally, positive maternal health practices, such as receiving adequate nutrition and prenatal care, can contribute to improved social and emotional outcomes for the child (Baron, 2022). Early childhood experiences, such as attachment to caregivers, quality of parenting, and exposure to trauma, also influence adolescent social and emotional development. Children who have secure attachments with caregivers and experience a nurturing environment are more likely to develop healthy relationships and emotional regulation skills as adolescents.

Furthermore, adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction, can lead to emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence. Therefore, it is crucial for parents and caregivers to provide a supportive and nurturing environment during early childhood to promote positive social and emotional development in adolescence. The cumulative effects of prenatal development and early childhood experiences underscore the importance of addressing and supporting children's mental health needs from the earliest stages of life. By prioritizing prenatal care and creating safe and nurturing environments for young children, we can help ensure positive social and emotional outcomes for adolescents.

Examples of self-regulation

Self-regulation refers to the ability to manage one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in different situations to achieve goals effectively. Examples of self-regulation include controlling impulses, focusing attention, setting goals, managing time, and responding adaptively to stress.

Teachers can model self-regulation skills in the classroom by providing clear expectations and guidelines for behavior, demonstrating problem-solving strategies, and offering opportunities for students to practice self-regulation techniques. Teachers can also encourage the development of self-regulation skills by providing feedback and praise when students demonstrate self-regulation, teaching students how to set achievable goals, and supporting students in developing strategies to manage their emotions and impulses.

Social and emotional learning strategies and self-regulation skills to implement at home to support child’s social/emotional development

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is crucial for a child's overall development, and parents play a crucial role in fostering these skills at home. One effective strategy is to model positive behaviors such as empathy and self-regulation, as children often learn by example (Sutherland, 2021). Encouraging open communication and active listening can also help children express their emotions and navigate social situations effectively (Kim et al., 2022).

Research has shown that children benefit from regular mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing or visualization exercises, which can help them regulate their emotions and reduce stress (Lee et al., 2023). Additionally, setting clear boundaries and providing consistent consequences helps children understand expectations and develop self-control (Lee et al., 2023).

By incorporating these strategies into daily routines, parents can support their child's social and emotional development during critical developmental stages. This ultimately helps children build resilience, develop strong relationships, and thrive academically and personally.



Kim, D., Lim, J. H., & An, J. (2022). The quality and effectiveness of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) intervention studies in Korea: A meta-analysis. PloS one, 17(6), e0269996.

Lee, J., Shapiro, V. B., & Kim, B. E. (2023). Universal School-Based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for Diverse Student Subgroups: Implications for Enhancing Equity Through SEL. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 24(5), 1011–1022.

Baron, S. (2022). The impact of prenatal development on adolescent social and emotional development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 67(3), 245-257.


Primary Areas of Focus

Stacking Blocks

Childhood Learning Challenges

April 12, 2025

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Ink Blots: A Window into the Mind

April 12, 2025

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The Effects of Homelessness on Childhood Development

April 12, 2025

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